Well, it’s been a few weeks since we were on the island. I sort of feel as if it didn’t really happen to me. However when I look at the pictures I know it really did indeed happen and wasn’t just an amazing dream. I am eternally grateful that I was one of the few people selected to go on this incredible trip.
The goals that I set for myself were; get to know people, learn a lot, and to just have fun.
I got to know just about everyone well… maybe a little too well. I learned much about the coral, fish, plants, animals and the culture of the Cooks…I learned so much it is hard to put into words. It was also a lot of fun to learn about how the Cook Islanders do things from the very people who cooked and all around took care of us. I enjoyed every second that I was on those islands. It was truly a life-changing event for me.
I want to thank everyone that came on this trip for making it so special. A special thank you for Drs. Clare Steele, Sean Anderson and John Lambrinos. Without you guys this trip would not have been even thought of. Thank you to everyone that helped us out on the Islands while we were there. Without you all having our backs this trip would have been chaotic indeed. Lastly thank you everyone at CSU Channel Islands who made this trip possible via funding, logistics, and organization. It was truly amazing!