Apps for the Cooks

 There are a host of apps for your mobile phone that will be useful for our trip.  Many of these were discussed in our class meetings, but here is the master round-up for everyone.  Please add to these suggestions by adding comments or suggestions below.  These are all free or bear a nominal cost.  As our default mobile operating system is iOS (sorry Paul), these all reflect Apple iOS apps.  These are all offered for Android systems or Android offers something essentially equivalent.

I suggest you all download and have these apps on your phone to have maximum utility and functionality with our equipment and projects when in the (slow-internet speed) locations of the Cooks.  If you have tons of space on your phone, get all of these.  If you are tight for space, only download the bolded apps (the unbolded are nice and probably helpful, but not necessary).

Mapping/GIS Apps

  • Motion-X GPS (costs $0.99; make sure to download maps for offline use BEFORE we leave)
  • Collector for ArcGIS (if you have already set this up/have an account from one of our GIS courses)
  • iSXBlue View (for use troubleshooting our SXBlue Receivers)
  • Bad Elf GPS (for troubleshooting and collecting data with our Bad Elf Receivers)

Communication Apps

  • Skype
  • Zello (you must create a free account via a computer then register/sign into your app on your phone; Group to join: PIRatE Lab, see my e-mail for the password)
  • Mini Boom (for checking battery level of our UE Mini speaker)

Photography Apps

  • Simple Resize (this will let you make smaller sized copies of your photos, making for easier/faster uploads to WordPress)
  • Flickr (our Photo Sharing Group is: CIinCI)
  • YouTube Capture
  • Hyperlapse (the best time-lapse app out there; while it is optimized for Instagram, you can also save your output to you photo library)
  • Night Cap Pro ($1.99, the lesser function version is $0.99; a great app for taking low-light and longer-exposure pictures)

Social Media Apps

Weather Apps

  • Pacific Islands-Tide Times (costs $0.99; this will work offline, but the maps won’t display without internet connections)
  • Vaavud (this works with the Sleipnir sensor I help fund through Kickstarter and will bring with us)
  • PaclOOS Voyager (this is optimized for U.S. territories, but will give you some sense for what is going on if you look at American Samoa…but it needs an internet connections)

Natural History Apps

note: We have no Cook-specific natural history guides for mobile platforms, but these might help at the macro/family level for those of you less familiar with local tropical species.


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