Plymouth Marine Lab

As you all know, we will be joined by yet another Brit on this crazy adventure of ours!


Guy Trimby hails from the UK’s Plymouth Marine Lab (PML).

PML engages in research covering a wide range of fields, these include air-sea gas exchange, biodiversity and ecosystem function, coastal production processes, ecosystem modelling and forecasting, geo-engineering solutions, long-term observations, marine biogeochemical cycles, marine energy and resources and remote sensing observations.

Guy’s research is carried out within PML’s algal biotechnology and innovation group that engages largely with microbial processes across the marine world, from algae to viruses to fungi.  There is a large diversity within the group, with Guy being a biotechnologist working on solutions to explore the marine environment joined by a host of others in fields such as bioinformatics.  Many folks in this larger group aim to further our understanding of the microbial world by developing computer software and other means.  Still others are trying to create, produce and refine biofuels.

Successes within the group have centred on creating novel devices for a cheap way to treat contaminated water from impoverished and often third world regions by destroying bacteria and other microbes present which lead to a range of illnesses and diseases.  More recent success has been seen in the group securing funding to build a brand new, state of the art single cell genomics facility, providing the region and UK with the newest and most technologically advanced cell sequencing abilities.

PML boat

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