Bad Elf GPS

Brett Hackleman (founder and CTO) at their Bad Elf booth at the ESRI User's Conference in San Diego in July of 2015 holding their two featured Bluetooth GPS units.

Brett Hackleman (founder and CTO) at their Bad Elf booth at the ESRI User’s Conference in San Diego in July of 2015 holding their two featured Bluetooth GPS units.

Our brand new Bad Elf Bluetooth GPS unit(s) just arrived.  Super cool.  These things hang around your neck and Bluetooth into your favorite mapping app on your phone or other mobile device.

The Pro+ retails for $300 and has an accuracy of ± 2m.

The GNSS Surveyor retails for $600 and has an accuracy of ± 1m.

We can’t wait to check these guys out side by side.  For those of you in our Cook Islands class: please download Bad Elf’s mobile app.  While not needed to run the GPS (it should work with ESRI Collector, Motion-X GPS, or any other mapping app), it is useful for diagnostics when we are in the field.