
Average Aitutaki Weather in July

Daytime air temperatures in July hover around 81°F ( 27°C), usually falling to 72°F (22°C) in the night.  July extremes of late have ranged from a max of 99°F (37°C) to a min of 60°F (16°C).  Humidity will hover around 78% until a front rolls in and drives it up.

Water temperatures in the main lagoon will be very similar to air temperatures, averaging 79°F ( 26°C) with more extreme temperature fluctuation in the shallower shoals near mainland beaches.

We can expect to see at least some light drizzle every third day or so in July with the monthly rainfall total hovering around 79 mm (3 inches).  Wind speeds will likely average 20 kph (12 mph) and peak as high as 50 kph (31 mph) if a storm blows through.

Historic Air Temperatures<br>Aitutaki, Cook Islands
Historic Precipitation<br>Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Current Conditions and Forecasts


Cook Islands Meterological Service HQ at Rarotonga's Airport.

Cook Islands Meterological Service HQ at Rarotonga’s Airport.

The Cook Islands Meteorological Service is headquartered next to the end of the airport runway terminus on Rarotonga.  There website tends to be light on details, but can be helpful and tends to load quickly.  Note that some of the top level links on this website port directly to Maori language pages.  If you get one of those pages, you will find a link on the left side of the page that renders the page in English (although the font tends to be small).

Weather at Aitutaki Airport (via Weather Underground):

Find more about Weather in Aitutaki, KU
Click for weather forecast

Weather forecast from NOAA’s Global Forecasting System and (via Windfinder):

note that the wave height here refers to conditions outside of the lagoon.



Water Conditions

Water Temperature in Rarotonga (Club Raro)

Water Temperature in Aitutaki (Matriki Beach Huts): see the very the bottom left of the page

Cook Island (Rarotonga) Tides

Here are the July and August 2015 tables:

To download pdf versions, click here for July 2015 Aug 2015, or July-Aug 2015 (combined).

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